Our Products


Refresh your senses and boost your immunity with our new product, 'Immuni-Tea'. Made with a blend of high-quality organic ingredients, this tea is the perfect addition to your daily routine. 

Our tea is infused with Ceylon cinnamon, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Organic ginger root, organic turmeric root and black pepper add a spicy kick to the blend while providing additional anti-inflammatory benefits. Organic Rosehip provides vitamin C that can help improve skin health and boost immune function.

The addition of organic rooibos makes this tea rich in antioxidants that can help protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals. Meanwhile, organic nettle leaf helps reduce inflammation in the body while providing essential vitamins and minerals.

Last but not least, our Immuni-Tea includes organic calendula which provides anti-inflammatory benefits that can help improve skin health by reducing redness or swelling.

Experience immune support like never before with Immuni-Tea!


Learn More About Badlands Wildflower!

How Can We Help You?

We are here to assist you! If you have any questions, inquiries, or would like to learn more about our herbal tea blends, please don't hesitate to contact us.